Sunday, July 27, 2014

Making Cupcakes 20 June 2014

We have a new teacher helping us in our room. Her name is Miss Thielke.
When we were doing maths we learnt about pictographs. We made cupcakes and iced them, then we made a pictograph to show the different kinds we had made.
I wonder what we are going to do first.

" I can't wait to have a turn. I love cooking."
Spoon the mixture in carefully.

Now for the exciting part...icing and decorating!!


At The Fire Station

We have been learning what to do when there is a fire so we went to the fire station.
We are listening to one of the fire officers.

She showed us what she has to wear
 to keep safe.

Almost ready.....

This is what the fire officers wear when they have to go into a building that is on fire.
It looks very heavy.

Here is one of the fire engines.

This is where the hoses are kept.

This was so much fun! Steady..aim...FIRE!!

We all had a go.

Wow! Look at that spray of water!!

It looked like so much fun that some of  the parents had a turn.

This is what is inside the fire truck.

Then the small fire truck came to school. This truck goes off  to small fires before they get too big.

The small fire truck.

The fireman set a box alight.
Mrs Strand and Mrs Chapman had a go with a fire extinguisher.

Even Miss Thielke had a turn.

Then Mrs Hodgkinson, Mrs Millar and Mrs Spriggins.
Whew!! I think it's out now.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Dental Care May 2014

We went to see Mrs Pinker in the Dental Van. She showed us how to look after our teeth and what is in her van.
Here is the Dental Van. Mrs Pinker works in here and comes to check our teeth.

You lie on her special chair with sunglasses
on to protect your eyes.
 Mrs Pinker uses a light to look into
your mouth. 

"Well done. What beautiful teeth!" 

Then she writes a letter to your parents to tell them that
she has looked at your teeth.  Thank you Mrs Pinker!

Stepping Out May 2014

Constable Chris came to school to teach us how to stay safe when we are walking.
Here we are walking on the house side of the footpath.

We had to watch out for sneaky driveways!
"Watch out for that car!"

"Oh no! Someone has parked their car in the driveway and
 it is on the footpath. How will we get past?"

Check that there is no driver before you walk around it.

We practised a lot so that we would remember.
Thank you Constable Chris!

Looking After Our Environment

On the 5th of May, the Regional Council came to visit us. They brought along some people that did a play for us. It was about caring for our environment.
It was a story about some children and a magical visitor who took them to different places.

They looked at recycling our rubbish and keeping our rivers, streams and oceans clean.

At the end, they sang a song for us. It was great!

Keeping Ourselves Safe

The Ambulance Visit.
The ambulance team came to visit us.

Did you know what the inside of the ambulance looked like?

Here is where the patients go.

Here is a patient.

Away he goes........only tricking!