Friday, March 20, 2015

TV Stars

Sophie and Cooper were 'Anthem Children' for the Cricket World Cup, and starred on Sky Sports. 

Discovery learning

Gemma getting creative 

Fashion Designers in the making 

What are you going to do with all of these???

Making an obstacle course

Looks dangerous....

           Making pirate hats 

Art in the classroom

We read The Crocodiles Christmas Jandals.  These are some of the ideas we had for our dream jandals. 

Dream jandals 

Concentrating hard 

Mixing colours 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Room 10's start to 2015

Maths - We cut out a gingerbread chain and joined them together to see how far they would stretch.

Orientation and position in Maths.  We blindfolded our buddies and gave them directions. 

"Walk straight ahead"

"No peeking"

Working together

Discovery learning in Room 10

Wow, what a lot of boxes (and a lot of mess....)

Getting creative....